Attend CA events and research

Companies and their managers can actively participate in CA research, events and publications.

Next events:
Ecommerce Italy 2024 – April 10th, 2024 →
The partners of Ecommerce companies – October 23rd, 2024
Ecommerce Italia Awards 2025 – January, 2025

CA Reports attract the attention of the media, a value that we always share with our Sponsors.
The report is available online and in paper format exclusively for sponsors and event participants.

Average data on E-commerce reports download - September 2024

+ 7000


The events reach a wide reach through articles and interviews on national and international media, web channels, TV, radio and press.

"Ecommerce Italy" event data - September 2024

+ 6500



score rating

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Participate as a speaker to talk about your company's experience during CA events and share it with participants

A networking and involving experience.


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Be part of the CA companies panel, take part in our surveys and interviews and get an invitation to the events that interest you.

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